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Taking Care of Your Teeth at Home

November 24, 2020

It’s that time of the year again! The dawning of the annual holiday festivities with no shortage of food, beverages and sweet indulgences. Keep your smile healthy this holiday season with our guided list on how to take care of your teeth and gums at home.

1. Brush your teeth before bed.

Brushing at least twice a day for about about 2 minutes at a time is the dentist’s recommendation. Make it a habit to brush right before you go to bed to get rid of the germs and plaque that accumulate throughout the day.

2. Brush correctly.

Use a soft bristled toothbrush to prevent damage to the enamel and brush at a 45-degree angle. The correct motion is using short gentle back, forth, and small circular motions. Avoid eating for 30 minutes after brushing and be sure to replace your toothbrush at least every 3 months.

3. Don’t neglect your tongue.

Plaque can build up on your tongue too which can lead to bad mouth odor and oral health issues. Be sure to gently brush your tongue every time you brush your teeth.

4. Use toothpaste with fluoride.

Think of fluoride as your front line against tooth decay. It fights germs and provides a protective barrier for your teeth by remineralizing weakened tooth enamel and slowing down the loss of minerals from plaque.

5. Don’t forget to floss.

Flossing is not just to dislodge small pieces of food that get stuck between your teeth. Ideally you want to floss before bed to remove food particles and plaque that has built up between your teeth during the day. If these particles stay on your teeth, bacteria will increase throughout the night. In addition it has been shown to stimulate the gums and helps lower inflammation in the area.

6. Consider mouthwash.

A good mouthwash helps in several ways including reducing the acidity in the mouth. It also helps clean the areas that are harder to brush, restores minerals to the teeth and keeps your gums safe from gingivitis.

7. Drink more H2O.

Drinking water with every meal and after consuming beverages (such as wine, juice or milk) can help reduce negative effects of sticky or acidic foods and beverages. Water is the major component of your saliva which fights bacteria. It helps to neutralise the acid that causes tooth decay and washes away excess food particles and bacteria. Try to limit sugary and acidic foods which can erode the enamel of your teeth and lead to cavities.

8. See your dentist at least twice a year.

Brushing and flossing helps get rid of most plaque, but some plaque is more difficult to remove and will harden and form tartar. Only cleaning by a dental professional can remove harmful tartar.

Happy Smiles, Happy Life!


Warm regards,

Dr. Bellingham